Bug Reporting
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Bug Reporting

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Ticket Title


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Drop files

Drop files here to attach them to this ticket

File a new ticket in $1

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How important is this ticket? Is it a feature request, or is it a grave security issue?


Does this ticket contain a security issue?

Only set this to "Keep Private" if you are reporting a security issue.

Toast Header Toast Contents

Load Error

Loading the Bug Reporting tool failed. This might be because of a server error, or it may be because of an unstable internet connection.

Connection Error

Couldn't connect to the server.


You are offline. To continue using the bugtracker, connect to the internet.


You have been disconnected from the server.

Log In

You'll need to log in to perform this action.




Edit Comment

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User Management

Hello $1! What would you like to do today?

Profile and Account Two Factor Authentication Delete my Account

Log Out

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Delete Account

Here's what's going to happen

If you're sure you want to delete your account, enter your password below to confirm that it's you.

That didn't work. Try entering your password again.

WARNING: This is the final step. Your account will be deleted after you click "Delete my account."

You are being rate limited

Your rate limit resets on $1.

Reload the page after that time to continue using the bugtracker.

Your email needs to be verified.

You won't be able to receive any emails from the bug tracker while your email is not verified.

To verify your email, find the verification link in your inbox. If you can't find it, you may want to check your spam folder.

If you need the link resent, please send an email to [email protected].



Configure the bugtracker
